B&B #17 Geisterfahrt mit Planke


06:45: Lager leider leer (Deutschland): https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/ifo-umfrage-drei-viertel-aller-einzelhaendler-beklagen.1939.de.html?drn:news_id=1310896

06:50: Lager zum Glück noch leer (Australien): https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-10-08/wellcamp-quarantine-facility-near-toowoomba-on-track/100524150

07:15: Papiermangel (macht nichts) https://www.spiegel.de/kultur/literatur/papiermangel-buchverleger-machen-sich-sorgen-ums-weihnachtsgeschaeft-a-a20bc36d-cd73-4b5e-932c-ee7561de66d3

07:45: Magnesiummangel (ungesund) Foundry Daily News, 12. Oktober 2021 https://www.foundry-planet.com/de/d/internationaler-lieferengpass-bei-magnesium-aus-china-europaweiter-produktionsstopp-droht/

Konkursverwalter pleite (ORF 13. 10) https://ooe.orf.at/stories/3125489/

15:30: Bill, Boris und die Bankster, Ausblick auf COPS26: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/oct/18/jellied-eel-canapes-and-venison-no-10-hosts-biggest-names-in-business-boris-johnson-bill-gates “Among those sitting down for the power dinner with the prime minister in No 10 will be the Goldman Sachs boss, David Solomon; the JP Morgan chief executive, Jamie Dimon; Jes Staley, the head of Barclays; and the Microsoft founder turned climate crisis campaigner, Bill Gates. (…) The exclusive meal (…) kicks off a global investment summit with about 200 business leaders invited to meet the Queen at Windsor Castle on Tuesday. (…) Other big names invited to the Downing Street dinner include Larry Fink, the billionaire boss of the investment firm BlackRock; Stephen Schwarzman, the chief executive of the private equity company Blackstone; Ana Botín, the chair of Santander; the BT chief executive, Philip Jansen; and the foreign secretary, Liz Truss. On Tuesday the wider group of business leaders will convene at the Science Museum for the investment conference, which is designed to “rocket boost” global interest in the UK and its ambitions to lead the green economy in the run-up to the Cop26 conference in Glasgow, which starts on 31 October.” https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/11/what-is-cop26-and-why-does-it-matter-the-complete-guide 24:30: Richard David P. vs. Christoph Butterwege: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFzL64V0EEQ 25:45: Unser Psychopathen-Problem (von Tim Foyle): https://apolut.net/unser-psychopathen-problem-von-tim-foyle/ 30:00: 6,4% mehr in den Notaufnahmen, keine Atemwegserkrankungen, starker Anstieg Herz/Neurologische Beschwerden. https://edoc.rki.de/bitstream/handle/176904/8877/SitRep_de_2021-10-20.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

UK: Pandemie der Geimpften https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1027511/Vaccine-surveillance-report-week-42.pdf

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